Source code for adam_io.digital_io

Digital Input/Output
Use this class to create the arguments to pass into the ADAM object
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from typing import List, Optional

[docs]class DigitalOutput: """ Digital Output class to send as a request to ADAM If the same object is going to be used, do not forget to clear the object after each use otherwise, might send stale data to - initialize with a quantity, the default is 6 which is the number of digital outputs 6050D has - fill in as required - get in the dict form to send in the POST body """ def __init__(self, quantity: int = 6, array: Optional[List[int]] = None, xml_string: Optional[str] = None): """ :param quantity: number of digital outputs :param array: pass in an array with the same size as quantity to initialize the internal digital output dictionary in an ordered manner. If the sizes mismatch, throws an exception """ if xml_string: self._do = self.parse(xml_string) else: self._do = {f"DO{index}": None for index in range(0, quantity + 1)} if array: if len(array) != quantity: raise Exception("quantity and initial array sizes are different for digital output") self.array(array)
[docs] def parse(self, xml_string: str): """ :param xml_string: response string from ADAM """ root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string) status = root.attrib['status'] if status != 'OK': raise Exception("something wrong with the response, status is:", status) # convert xml to dictionary values = [int(di_element.text) for di in root for di_element in di if di_element.tag == "VALUE"] keys = ["DO" + di_element.text for di in root for di_element in di if di_element.tag == "ID"] return dict(zip(keys, values))
def __setitem__(self, do_id: int, value: int): if type(value) is not int: raise TypeError("digital output only accepts integer 0 or 1") if type(do_id) is not int: raise TypeError("digital output id should be integer") self._do[f"DO{do_id}"] = value
[docs] def array(self, array: List[Optional[int]]): """ :param array: set the values of the internal digital output dictionary to the input array """ for index, value in enumerate(array): self._do[f"DO{index}"] = value
[docs] def clear(self): """ clears the values of the internal digital output dictionary """ self.array([None] * len(self._do))
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ same as __call__ :return: the data ready to be sent over to ADAM """ return {k: v for k, v in self._do.items() if v is not None}
def __call__(self): """ same as as_dict :return: the data ready to be sent over to ADAM """ return {k: v for k, v in self._do.items() if v is not None} def __getitem__(self, do_id): return self._do[f"DO{do_id}"] def __iter__(self): yield from self._do.items() def __str__(self): return '\n'.join([f"DO[{index}]={v}" for index, v in enumerate(self._do.values())]) def __repr__(self): return '\n'.join([f"DO[{index}]={v}" for index, v in enumerate(self._do.values())])
[docs]class DigitalInput: """ Digital Input class to be received from ADAM initialize it with the xml string then use it like a read-only list; d = DigitalInput(xml_str) d[0] === DI0 d[1] === DI1 ... === ... ... === ... ... === ... d[11] === DI11 """ def __init__(self, xml_string: str): """ :param xml_string: response string from ADAM """ root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string) = root.tag status = root.attrib['status'] if status != 'OK': raise Exception("something wrong with the response, status is:", status) # convert xml to dictionary values = [int(di_element.text) for di in root for di_element in di if di_element.tag == "VALUE"] keys = ["DI" + di_element.text for di in root for di_element in di if di_element.tag == "ID"] self._di = dict(zip(keys, values)) def __getitem__(self, di_id: int): if type(di_id) != int: raise TypeError("digital input id should be integer") return self._di[f"DI{di_id}"] def __iter__(self): yield from self._di.items() def __str__(self): return '\n'.join([f"DI[{index}]={v}" for index, v in enumerate(self._di.values())]) def __repr__(self): return '\n'.join([f"DI[{index}]={v}" for index, v in enumerate(self._di.values())])